A Florida digital news service is a great idea. Politico's daily Florida feed is terrific, but limited by its inability to draw conclusions from the news. Also, many if not most of the sources it directs one to won't let a visitor in without a subscription. Local and regional news is impossible to come by in vast swaths of the state because of the disappearance of smaller newspapers, so it is tough to keep track of what's going on. With regard to a radio station, Air America is truly and sorely missed here. AM radio in the state is unlistenable and controlled by proto-fascist thugs. (But then, so is the state.)

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Thank you for bringing up the subject of AI. I am a "liberal arts type" and really frightened about AI. Will AI be interpreting lab results and MRI scans for my family, friends, and myself? Will AI be preparing my income taxes and updating my estate planning documents? How does one determine what is truthful anymore? Corporate mainstream media is a great disappointment. Therefore, I will read this article from the Brookings Institution this week:


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Thank you!

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